Sermon Archive (Page 29) Parables: Money and Self-Worth 10/20/2019 Pastor Mark Wilks Parables Matthew Parables: The Wheat and the Weeds 10/13/2019 Pastor Mark Wilks Parables Matthew Parables: The Widow and The Judge 10/06/2019 Pastor Mark Wilks Parables Luke Parables: The Unforgiving Servant 09/29/2019 Pastor Mark Wilks Parables Matthew Parables: The Good Samaritan 09/22/2019 Pastor Mark Wilks Parables Luke The Lost Parables 09/15/2019 Pastor Mark Wilks Parables Luke Parables: Parable of the Sower 09/08/2019 Pastor Mark Wilks Parables Matthew Introduction to the Parables of Jesus 09/02/2019 Pastor Mark Wilks Parables Matthew Villains of the Bible: Absalom 08/18/2019 Pastor Nate Kellogg Villains of the Bible Villains of the Bible: Cain 08/11/2019 Pastor Mark Wilks Villains of the Bible Genesis